
Spirit Art Workshop with Diana Starling

Saturday 1st March 10am to 3:30pm


Members £15 Non-Members £20

The Mechanics of Mediumship with Minister Kim Moore-Cullen from Paignton

Saturday 17th May


This workshop is run by the SNU South Western District Council.  It is free to Church Members and SNU Individual Members within the South Western District Council 

Mediumship Workshop with Jeff Woodhouse from Swindon

Saturday 28th June 


Members £15 Non-Members £20

Aura Camera Workshop with Minister Kim Moore-Cullen from Paignton

Saturday 2nd August 


Members £15 Non-Members £20

Platform Mediumship with Louisa Sullivan from Glastonbury

Saturday 6th September


Members £15 Non-Members £20

The Over-Shadowed Self with Eric Cargill and Gerald O'Hara from York

Saturday 4th October


Members and invited guests only: Members £15 Invited Guests £20

Mediumship Workshop with Sharon Bird

Saturday 8th November


Members £15 Non-Members £20

Booking Details

To book a place, please email the Church on or call Philippa on 07823 449462. Payment is required in advance for all workshops.

We are located at:

WSM Spiritualist Church

2 Stafford Rd 2


BS23 3BW

Contact us today!

If you have any queries, please contact us:


President: Rachel Arnold

07872 581902

Secretary: Laura Chalmers

07804 609787

Get social with us.

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